Digital Microscopy at Carl Zeiss Managing Disruption Solution

On October 19, OPTEC officially opened the Demonstration and Consultation Center at its new Moscow office.

The opening ceremony of the demo center was attended by Dr. Michael Kaschke, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss AG, Nicholas Von Korff, Managing Director of OPTEC, Michael Hubensack, Managing Director of OPTEC, and Olga Seredkina, General Director of OPTEC, as well as representatives of the Moscow office and directors of the company's regional representative offices.


The company's management team welcomed their colleagues.

Nicolas Von Korff, Managing Director of OPTEC:
Today is a big day for us. We have always dreamed of having a place where we can demonstrate our comprehensive solutions. It is important for us to strengthen the relationships with our partners and show them our new capabilities. This is why the new demonstration and application center is a special and very significant step in this direction.

Michael Kaschke, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss AG:
We at Carl Zeiss are very happy to have a modern demo center here, especially in view of the 115th anniversary of Carl Zeiss in Russia. As you know, the company's St. Petersburg office opened in 1903 and was the first representative office opened by Carl Zeiss outside of Germany. We feel it is very important to continue this tradition.

There is a great German saying that explains what a tradition is. Tradition is not to hand over the ashes, but to hand over the fire. So today, as we open this demo center, I hope that you will each take a piece of this fire, which has been burning for over 115 years, and make it burn brighter and stronger than ever.

Olga Seredkina, General Director of OPTEC:
Today is an incredibly joyful day for me. Being here and knowing at what time this project was achieved, I'd like to say that the impossible became possible only thanks to you – a team of driven people who independently dealt with such monumental challenges on a 24/7 basis.

Today we have created a truly multifunctional platform that will address a great number of goals. With the equipment and technology available here now, we are ready to handle absolutely unique tasks for our customers. We have a very capacious and precious asset, and each of us has to develop it and use it as a growth point.


The new demonstration center occupies over four hundred square meters. On its opening day, OPTEC demonstrated 34 devices and related software covering practically all areas of the company's activities: microsurgery, light microscopy, electronic microscopy, materials science, industrial metrology and control, and clinical pathology.


Besides the demo hall, the demonstration center has a team of top-notch specialists who can offer and implement comprehensive solutions for a customer's problem. The equipment installed in the demo center makes it possible to conduct test studies of the customer's samples. Our customers can thus see first-hand the quality of the results and choose the appropriate equipment configuration. The team of specialists helps customers to choose between buying equipment and ordering the services for a specific study.


The new Demonstration and Consultation Center will address several goals.

Demonstrate solutions and equipment to potential customers
A wide range of equipment allows us to offer our customers a comprehensive solution: rather than adapting a specific device for the task, to find the optimum solution for the set task using the whole range of equipment. We can demonstrate the solution to the customer and how it will eventually work using the customer's samples.

Denis Fokin, Head of the Department of Methodology Support and Consultancy Services:
We are glad to offer our customers not only the ability to test a sample using one of our devices, but to take a comprehensive approach to solving problems. This brings our relationship with consumers to a brand new level. Although ZEISS equipment is the key component of our portfolio, our demo center presents devices from other strategic partners. This enables us to conduct research using complementary methods.

For example, one of our customers, a dental implant manufacturer, was interested in product quality control. We examined the sample using scanning electron microscopy and three-dimensional optical profilometry. Using the ZEISS EVO scanning electron microscope, we examined the chemical composition of the sample, and the Bruker Contour Elite-K optical surface profiler provided more detailed information about surface topography and roughness. As a result, the customer could determine how to adjust the production process.

We can provide consultations on how the customer can use already installed equipment to address new goals or conduct new research. OPTEC specialists can deliver customer training either at the demonstration center or on-site.

Consulting: addressing specific customer goals
We are ready to help our customers to address a specific problem if their laboratory does not have the appropriate capabilities. If the customer has a problem that requires a certain type of research or obtaining specific data, our specialist team will propose the best solution and conduct research using equipment installed at our demonstration center or at reference centers.

Raising awareness and education
We plan to use our demonstration center to hold public lectures, as well as research and educational events dedicated to science and technology for students and the wider public.

Supporting universities and conducting practical sessions as part of their own educational programs
We hope to organize practical classes for students at the demonstration center to address their research and academic goals.


Various equipment is now available at the demonstration center.

The following ZEISS light research microscopes are available: Axio Imager.Z2 direct microscope and AxioScope 5 with the Colibri 7 fluorescent lighting system, AxioVert.A1 inverted microscope with the QIAGEN QIAscout system of effective single-cell isolation and extraction, the Stemi 508 stereo microscope, and the LEEDS Discovery comparison microscope. There is also a solution for organizing a microscopy digital classroom – the ZEISS Digital Classroom.

For materials research, we can offer our ZEISS EVO scanning electronic microscope and the SEC MiniSem scanning desktop microscope.

For industrial metrology and control, we offer the following equipment: ZEISS O-SELECT digital measuring projector, Accretech Surfcom Flex contour analyzer, Accretech Rondcom Nex roundness gauge, ZEISS ACCURA II and O-Inspect coordinate measuring machines.

The 3DHistech Pannoramic Flash image analysis system and the LIS Labflow laboratory information system are available for clinical pathology.


The equipment list will be revised and expanded.

For updates on the availability of certain equipment or for a consultation, please contact Denis Fokin, Head of the Department of Methodology Support and Consultancy Services:

  • +7 495 933 51 51, #132

Digital Microscopy at Carl Zeiss Managing Disruption Solution


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