Free Printable Funny Baby Shower Card

These baby shower wishes and congratulations are for new parents who are on the verge of one of life's miracles or who have just experienced the birth of a child.

Baby showers are special occasions as friends and relatives gather to wish a new mother or new parents the best as they start to take on one of life's most important roles – that of being a parent.

The cake is eaten, presents are given, wonderful baby shower wishes and congratulations are passed on. Here's your opportunity to get your message across in style with these fun baby shower messages.

Baby Shower Card Wishes

1.) To the soon-to-be parents: May your new bundle of joy bring you much more happiness!

2.) They say that angels smile when babies laugh. There should be a lot of smiling going on above us with parents as perfectly suited for the role as you two.

3.) All our best to your little miracle.

4.) Congratulations on your new little someone to love!

5.) Babies are God's miracles – we're so happy for you!

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6.) I couldn't be more excited to shower you and your new baby in love today. Congratulations!

7.) I can't wait to help you count all those fingers and toes. You're going to be an amazing Mom!

8.) Congratulations Mama Bear and Papa Bear. Baby Bear is just right – perfect in every way!

9.) Congrats on a brand new miracle to call your own.

10.) Just remember: parenting without a sense of humor is like an accountant who sucks at math.

Mama You Got This — Good Baby Shower Wishes

Funny Baby Shower Card Messages

  • Your new arrival is blessed to have such wonderful parents in you two. Congratulations!
  • Parenthood: the scariest hood you'll ever go through.
  • A toast to the bun in your oven!
  • Can't wait to welcome your new tiny Overlord!
  • You're a parent. It's your circus, and those are your monkeys.
  • To the Mom most likely to teach neighborhood kids how to swear.
  • Congrats…you now live in a madhouse run by a tiny army you created yourself.
  • Raising kids is a walk in the park. Jurassic Park, that is.
  • The stork was like the first drone delivery. But, oh what a package you were delivered. Congrats.
  • Welcome to parenthood, where going to the grocery store by yourself is now considered a vacation.
  • Hitting the bottle is going to take on a whole new meaning.
  • Parenthood is one of the best journeys in life. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
  • We looked up "amazing parents" on Wikipedia, and your photos popped up. Congrats and have fun with your new delivery.
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Baby Shower Messages for Boys

Oh Boy, oh boy, oh boy! It just doesn't get any better than this! Enjoy!

And to the King and Queen, a new prince is born, and the kingdom rejoices.

We love watching your family grow! Enjoy every step along the way!

May your new son bring you much happiness in life.

Your baby boy is a gift from God. You'll be saying prayers of thanks every night.

See Congratulations New House Wishes.

For Girls

A bundle of joy wrapped up in pink will be the newest addition to your family. We couldn't be happier for you! Congrats!

We can't wait to see her sweet smile! Congrats.

How happy you must be with your new daughter to love.

There is nothing more precious than a baby girl to love.

You must be tickled pink with the addition of your new baby girl.

Hip hip hurray for the addition of your sweet baby girl!

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New Baby Wishes

Your newest tax deduction is as cute as can be. Congrats.

Wishing you and your baby love, laughter and sunshine.

Love and Joy, Kiss and Adore, That's what little babies are for.

While held briefly in your arms, a baby is held forever in your heart. Congratulations.

Goodbye Tummy; Hello Mummy!

A new baby makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, savings smaller and homes happier.

Hello World Little One!

To say they grow up too fast is an understatement. Enjoy every precious second.

Although miles apart, welcoming your baby with lots of love.

We are so thrilled for you!

All you need to know to parent: YOU'RE GOING TO BE GREAT!

A baby is one of life's miracles. Enjoy every minute of being a parent.

May the joy and wonder of a new baby bring much happiness to your home.

Your grand adventure is about to begin. I couldn't think of a better guide for a newborn than you.

Baby Shower Messages Meme

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Congratulations on Your New Baby

You two are going to make such wonderful parents that I'm beginning to envy your new baby. Congrats!

Enjoy your parenthood adventure and let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

God bless you and your baby on this special day.

Cute as a button and adorable in every way – Congrats!

To your darling newcomer and the perfect parents!

May God bless you and your baby.

Here's to one of the greatest treasures in life – parenting a child.

Learn about the legend of storks delivering babies and stork bites.

Baby Congratulations

To the many happy and wonder-filled times ahead waiting for you. Congratulations!

A baby's smile makes each day worthwhile! To a lifetime of happiness.

We are so happy for you and your new arrival.

The wait is over and the fun has just begun! So happy for you and your family!

Sending you the warmest wishes as you welcome your new angel home.

All of our love for your new baby and best wishes to Mom and Dad!

Congratulations and best of luck. You are going to be great parents.

Happy snuggling with your new cutie!

Check out Grandma and Grandpa Quotes

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What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

As you prepare a room for the new addition to your family, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you every step of the way.

Wishing you all the happiness that parenting can bring – and then some!

May your home be blessed with the arrival of your new child.

A new child is one of life's greatest blessings from above.

Don't forget to pamper yourself a little after putting on the pampers.

Wishing you a safe delivery and all the joy that comes with being a new mother.

As you haven't been able to drink in 9 months, I've filled in for you. Congrats and you're welcome!

By Mary Olson

Mary resides in St. Paul and writes for Greeting Card Poet.

Extra Extra

You're on Baby Shower Wishes and Congratulations.

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