Let the Research Continue or Emd It Mass Effect Andromeda

This page will cover the rest of the main story, in addition to completing the remaining romantic relationships.

You will want to head to Nexus, first, to continue the story.


Task: Path of a Hero

  • Speak with Keri's Producer
  • Find Keri in the Militia cells

NOTE: You may not have seen the email to start this task yet, as it usually doesn't arrive until after you visit the Nexus and return to the Tempest. To save on a second trip to the Nexus, you can bypass the first objective by going directly to Keri in the holding cells in Operations.

Priority Ops – The Journey to Meridian

  • Speak to the leaders of the Nexus
  • Discuss your options with the other Pathfinders


  • Integrate Ghost Storm technology with Tempest to help other Pathfinders
  • Gather the crew in the Tempest's meeting room to prepare for the mission
  • Go to Khi Tasira in the Civki System



  • Survey the drop zone
  • Access the tower in the research sector
  • Activate the tower in the research sector

Cryptographer Device - The final Cryptographer puzzle in the game is located near the Garden Tower, if you still require one for the achievement. On the north end of the bridge leading up to the tower, look over the east side to find a lower platform that you can drop down to. Drop down to an even lower area to find the locked door. There are no glyphs to scan and cannot override this with a decryption key. (Cryptographer 22/20)

NOTE: There is a console just to the south of the map marker for Core 17 - Central that will extend a bridge connecting the north and south, to the central area, saving you from having to backtrack all the way to the initial area.

  • Access the tower in the exploration sector
  • Activate the tower in the exploration sector
    • Reroute power to the main console

NOTE: The correct order for to reroute power is NW, NE, SW, SE.

  • Enter Meridian's central command
  • Interface with the command hub
  • Eliminate the Archon's Sword and the kett forces

The Archon's Sword is a boss type Destined. The boss will cloak and become immune from damage after losing enough health during the fight, bringing on the next wave of kett. Once the boss is finally defeated, the mission will end and you will be back on the Tempest.

  • Activation

    Activate the Remnant city.



Priority Ops – Meridian: The Way Home

  • Talk to Suvi

NOTE: This mission objective supersedes the relationship commitment conversation. If you have been avoiding Suvi, you still can progress the mission without having to commit.

  • Scourge clusters probed for data [3/3]

Scan, Probe, and retrieve the Scourge Data Capsule from 3 of the 7 Scourge Formation anomaly locations to complete the objective.

  • Speak to crew about Scourge research

WARNING! Continuing with the story may lead to some missions becoming unavailable.

You now have everything you need to move into the final leg of the main story. However, doing so will result in several side missions becoming unavailable, either permanently or until you reach the Epilogue. You should take this opportunity to complete any outstanding missions that you want to at this time.This is also a perfect time to complete any remaining relationships you want to, as you are now far enough into the main story that all relationships are able to be completed, given you have developed a relationship enough.

Relationships & Matchmaker

Having already completed Reyes' relationship, you will want to complete Keri's and then commit to one other to complete the three relationships for Matchmaker .

Due to Keri's unique ability to not impact any other relationships, go ahead and conclude hers now. As long as you have been keeping up with her interviews and visited her in jail, you should have an email from her, "I'm free!"

Return to the Nexus to partake in the next interview.


Task: Path of a Hero

  • Speak with Keri about the Remnant city
  • Meet with Keri at the Vortex

Having completed the prior interviews and flirted enough times, you should be invited to meet her at Vortex . Completing the conversation will conclude the romance. (Matchmaker 2/3)

You can now complete the final romance for Matchmaker with whomever you want.

The guide has thus far taken all available measures to avoid putting you in the position to have to commit or reject a potential romantic partner. Therefore, you should have all options available to you (except Reyes and Keri who have already been romanced). As a result, you can take this opportunity to create a save file, so you can experience each relationship to its conclusion, if you so desire; but you will only need 1 more for the achievement.

I have outlined the remaining steps required to Commit and Conclude each potential relationship within the spoiler text below. If you want to experience a different one, simply reload the created save and pursue another. Disclaimer! - Some endings are more graphic than others, which may not be appropriate for all ages, FYI.

NOTE: If you did not reload after romancing Reyes, then you will already be committed to a relationship and not able to commit to another relationship. This leaves Avela as the only additional option, but that is only available for Scott. If playing as Sara, you will have to complete a third relationship on your next playthrough.

Scott Ryder Only


*** Spoiler - click to reveal *** Commitment to Relationship - None. Like Keri, you are not required to commit to Avela, nor does the completion of this relationship impact your ability to pursue another.

Conclude the Relationship - You may have to return to Aya to c omplete Forgotten History , if not done so previously. Once this is complete, the next time you return to the Tempest you will have an email, "I found something" which begins Task: Past, Present, and Future . Meet Avela on Aya to conclude the relationship.


*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Commit to Relationship - Acknowledge the email "Inspiration" to start Cora Harper: A Foundation . Speak to her aboard the Tempest and accept her request for a favor. Travel to Eos and reach the waypoint Meet Cora , Cora must be in the squad. During the conversation, select "I like the sound of that." to commit.

Conclude the Relationship - Return to the Tempest for another email, "Come see me?" initiating Cora Harper: Duty Calls . Meet Cora in the Cargo Bay and agree to go to your quarters, where you will complete the relationship.


*** Spoiler - click to reveal *** Commit to Relationship - Acknowledge the email "Come meet Jill!" to start Gil Brodie: The Friend . Travel to Eos and meet Gil at the waypoint. Before Jill arrives, Gil will ask how you are to be introduced; select "I'm your guy." or "But we haven't even kissed" to commit.

Conclude the Relationship - Return to the Tempest and go speak to Gil in Engineering , respond with "Okay." to transition to a new location. Complete the following conversation, and the relationship will conclude as the scene ends.

Sara Ryder Only


*** Spoiler - click to reveal *** Commit to Relationship - Speak to Liam to start Liam Kosta: Community . Head to Eos and reach the waypoint, with Liam in the squad. Select "Date me, not 'the Pathfinder'." to commit to the relationship.

Conclude the Relationship - Back on the Tempest, speak with Liam to initiate Liam Kosta: Something for Us . Use the Research Center to develop the Lover's Leap Jump-Jet Mod, under Special Items. Return to Eos with Liam and reach the waypoint on top of the rock arch to the north of Prodromos, it can only be access from The Sheartop region to the northwest of the settlement. Finish the scene to complete the relationship.


*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Commit to Relationship - Having been avoiding Suvi since completing Hunting the Archon , you can now speak to her. She will comment that she needs a break and you will both end up in the Pathfinder's Quarters for a conversation over tea. You must select the Interrupt option, Kiss [cn-RT], followed up with "I mean it." Any other combination could commit you to her, but not lead to the final mission to complete the relationship; you will receive the email "Kallo thinks I'm crazy" if everything is correct.

Conclude the Relationship - The next time you return to the Tempest, speak to Suvi to start Suvi Anwar: New Discoveries . Acknowledge the email "Message from Suvi" then head to the Nexus to meet her in the Tech Labs . Completing the scene will conclude the relationship.

Scott or Sara Ryder


*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Commit to Relationship - Meet Peebee in the Escape Pods to be confronted by a voice message left with POC. Selecting "Yes, let's be together." will commit to the relationship.

Conclude the Relationship - The next time you return to the Tempest you will have an email, "A gift for you" which starts Peebee: Spirits . Examine the gift left in the Pathfinder's Quarters , and select "Sounds good" to experience the climactic conclusion.


*** Spoiler - click to reveal *** Commit to Relationship - Acknowledge email, "Meet My True Mother" to start Jaal Ama Darav: Runs in the Family . Head to Havarl and depart on the shuttle with Jaal to his childhood home. Respond with "Yes" when prompted, to commit to the relationship.

Conclude the Relationship - Return to the Tempest, acknowledging the email "From Your Romantic Friend Jaal" starts Jaal Ama Darav: Angaran Affection . Meet Jaal on Aya, near the Resistance HQ . Complete the following scene however you like to conclude the relationship.


*** Spoiler - click to reveal *** Commit to Relationship - Acknowledge email "Kadara" to begin Vetra Nyx: A Moment Planetside . Travel to Kadara and take Vetra with you to the waypoint. Select "It's real" once prompted, to commit.

Conclude the Relationship - Return to the Tempest, and go speak to Vetra in the Cargo Bay . The relationship is complete once the following scene is over.

  • Matchmaker

    Complete romances with three different characters across all playthroughs.


Once you have the above achievement, complete all other missions and tasks you wish before continuing with the Priority Ops Mission. Reference the General Hints and Tips page for any remaining combat related, skill based, or research and development achievements to clean up before proceeding into the final act.

When you are ready to continue the story, travel to Khi Tasira once more.

Priority Ops – Meridian: The Way Home

  • Return to Remnant city in Civki System


  • Reach control center and reveal Meridian
  • Struggle to reach the door
  • Get a weapon
  • Fight to communications
  • Reach maintenance access
  • Send signal to restore Pathfinder's implant

NOTE: During this section, you will not have access to your usual combat perks and only have access to a level 1 weapon for combat. If you have to fight, stay in cover and go for weak points. Alternatively, you can try to run past enemies to avoid battle. Reach the communication room to Reboot the QEC Relay , completing your task.

  • Family Connections

    Reboot the Pathfinder.

    Family Connections
  • Interface to open door
  • Rally your team at the Tempest
  • Somehow recover the Hyperion
  • Somehow face the Archon's fleet


  • Go to bridge to launch


  • Chase the Archon in the Nomad
  • Defeat kett guarding the entrance
  • Enter Meridian Control
  • Fight to reach the Archon
  • Defeat defending enemies
  • Push farther into Meridian Control
  • Fight past the kett ascendant
  • Defeat kett guarding gravity well

NOTE: Defeating the kett around the Gravity Well will summon a Remnant Destroyer. This is the last Remnant Destroyer you will face, so if you still need to mark one for the Friendly Fire achievement, be sure to do so as this is your last chance.

  • Enter gravity well
  • Reach the heart of Meridian Control
  • Eliminate kett protecting the Archon

Eliminate the few kett in the area, then Remnant will continue to spawn from here on out. Defeat the waves of Remnant as you head to the each Power Relay , where a hack will initiate once you arrive. The Architect, or Conduit , will be a constant threat during this final battle. It will continue to attack the area until you begin a hack, at which point you can temporarily defeat it; which stops it for a short while. Once the hack is complete and you interface with the console, it will start attacking again. Once it has a health bar, hitting it in the face with a Cobra RPG, even on Insanity, is enough to put it down for the time being.


The Conduit , is an Architect, and will count as such for the Friendly Fire achievement. If you still need to complete this achievement, all other Remnant types are found during this final battle scene as well, except the Destroyer as noted in the text above. If not already completed, use the Remnant IV skill to create your friendly Observer. Then, tap the assigned button once more to "tag" each Remnant sub-type: Assembler, Breecher, Nullifier, Observer, Destroyer, and Architect (Conduit). Allow your construct to fire on the enemy before you tag the next.

  • Friendly Fire

    Direct your Remnant VI to attack each type of Remnant enemy. (Single-Player)

    Friendly Fire
  • Kill all Remnant and reach relay (1/3)
    • Defend until Scott exposes interface
    • Interface to disrupt the Archon's control
  • Kill all Remnant and reach relay (2/3)
    • Find a way across ferrofluid
    • Defend while Scott bridges chasm
    • Defend until Scott exposes interface
    • Interface to disrupt the Archon's control
  • Kill all Remnant and reach relay (3/3)
    • Find a way across ferrofluid
    • Interface to take Meridian from the Archon
  • Mission Accomplished

    Activate Meridian.

    Mission Accomplished


After the credits roll you will start Priority Ops – Epilogue : Home and Away , allowing you to continue your experience in the post campaign environment. This end game continuation will provide you with a last ditch effort to complete anything that was potentially missed, such as 100% viability on all planets, completing all Loyalty missions, or solving some of the Cryptographer devices if you avoided them previously. Ideally, you want your second playthrough to be limited to the bare bones story missions, to complete the game as fast as possible. Therefore, you should only have two single player achievements to pick up on a New Game+ playthrough on Insanity. I f you played on Insanity for the first playthrough, you should not require a second run. The two achievements are Medic! and Unwavering . Every other single player achievement should be complete at this time, even the skill based achievements as you can easily reach level 45 (over level 70 for those dedicated to completing the majority of side missions) during the first run. Please reference the General Hints and Tips page for more details on the skill based achievements and how to unlock those. Otherwise, please see the next page for the Insanity Playthrough/New Game+ outline.

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Source: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Mass-Effect-Andromeda/walkthrough/9

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